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Getting the Most Out of a Commercial Steam Oven

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A steam oven uses hot water to cook your food, locking in natural flavors and textures while reducing the need for extra oil. It’s a great tool for preserving nutrients, particularly with vegetables. It’s also a smart choice for baking, roasting and slow cooking foods. And it can even reheat leftovers more effectively than a microwave.steam oven

Steam ovens look like traditional electric ovens, with the exception of a compartment that holds a small tank you fill with water. This water siphons into a built-in boiler and gets superheated to create the steam that cooks your food. Some higher-end models can be directly hooked to a home plumbing line, eliminating the need for refills and making them easier to use.

Cooking with steam adds a layer of moisture that preserves the texture and flavor of foods, while removing some of the fat found in many dishes. The result is a healthier option for most meals, especially when it comes to proteins and carbohydrates.

A commercial steam oven is a great addition to your kitchen. These appliances use a combination of steam and hot air circulation to achieve shortened baking times, more even heating, and better-tasting food. They also come with a secondary door design, an emergency pause button and multiple protection settings to prevent damage and ensure safety.

steam ovens

Using steam to cook foods helps prevent them from drying out, which can happen with dry heat. This makes foods with a crispier crust. Additionally, the flavor of foods cooked with steam stays within the food and doesn’t transfer to other items in the oven like with dry heat.

Commercial steam ovens can be used to steam vegetables, roast grocery-store style chicken and poach fish. They can also be used to bake breads and cookies. They’re an excellent choice for cafeterias, restaurants and taverns that need to prepare a wide variety of food.

The best way to get the most out of your commercial steam oven is to choose a combi oven, which combines convection cooking, steaming and a combination of both into one unit. Ovens provide versatility and speed to a kitchen, and they’re available in a wide range of sizes from tabletop to floor (single stack and double stack) and styles. They’re available in gas and electric models and can be either manual or automatic, depending on your preferences and the needs of your kitchen.

steam oven

steam ovens

commercial steam oven

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